There’s no doubt about it – we are still living in uncertain times. At E.D.P. School, we understand that not only our current students, but also prospective students might have questions about our courses, class schedules and on-campus learning opportunities.

Admittedly, it is quite difficult to predict exactly which direction this unprecedented public health crisis will go over the coming weeks and months. What we do know is E.D.P. School remains fully committed to resuming our face-to-face on-campus learning experiences as soon as the Covid-19 restrictions and regulations are lifted. In the meantime, a descending trajectory of this virus can only happen with the proper guidance from our state and local health officials, but also through sustained individual efforts from each of us.

As a reminder, we are accepting new enrollments at this time for in-class learning and some of our online courses. Please visit this link for full details or call our admissions office directly at (718) 332-6469 to discuss class schedules and enrollment opportunities. 

In closing, the rest of 2021 will surely test our patience and resolve. It will also require a humanistic commitment to one another to do what we can in order to keep each other healthy and safe. Ultimately, it is our primary goal to eventually share our full reopening plans when the moment is right. For the time being, rest assured knowing that we are dedicated to doing everything within our power to support the health, safety and welfare of our new and returning students, faculty, staff members, and our entire Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn community at large. Stay strong, be safe, and we’ll see you in class. 

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